On 2018-08-01 Chat was upgraded to include various new formatting features. It now supports markdown formatting similar to what Reddit uses.
- Italics
- This sentence includes *italic text*.
- is displayed as: This sentence includes italic text.
- Text can be displayed in an italic font by surrounding a word or words with either single asterisks (*) or single underscores (_).
- For example:
- Bold
- This sentence includes **bold text**.
- is displayed as: This sentence includes bold text.
- Text can be displayed in a bold font by surrounding a word or words with either double asterisks (**) or double underscores (__).
- For example:
- Superscript
- This sentence includes superscript^text^.
- is displayed as: This sentence includes superscripttext.
- Text can be displayed in superscript font by surrounding a word or words with single carets (^)
- For example:
- This sentence includes ~~spoilers~~.
- The word "spoilers" will be hidden and will only show on mouseover.
- Spoiler text can be hidden by surrounding a word or words with double tildes (~~)
Code Blocks
- Backticks
, not to be confused with apostrophes(')
- Backticks
- Wrap in backticks (aka the grave accent) for a code block `like this`
- Inline-style links
- Not supported at this time!
- Inline Iimage links
- Just paste image link - i.imgur.com/r1tzsgs.jpg
- Inline YouTube links
- Just paste YouTube link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qDs3lkqwnc
- Tweets
- Just paste the link to the tweet - https://twitter.com/the100_io/status/1032829248468336641
- Emoji
- Send emoji using :<emoji name>:
- Most of the emoji listed here are supported: http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com
Learn How to mention users in chat
Learn about Other Chat Features
Check out the reddit post for further information on Chat Changes
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